Revision as of 08:11, 4 May 2010 by Gruff (Talk | contribs) (more italics on toilet joke)

Tägliche Rundschau
434; German: "The Daily Panorama"; "discarded copies of" in Berlin

Taj Mahal
This mausoleum on the southern bank of the Yamuna (Jumna) River, outside Agra in India was built by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his wife, Arjumand Banu Begam, also called Mumtaz Mahal ("Chosen One of the Palace"), of which the name Taj Mahal is a corruption. It took 22 years to complete; 637

See Komical Kamikazes

Tallis, Thomas (c. 1505–1585)
129; An English composer. Tallis flourished as a church musician in 16th century Tudor England.

247; at de la Perlimpinpin party; 261

Tannhäuserism (love of being taken under mountains), 299; "even a Minnesinger needs to be alone" 299; "the Singing Nincompoop" 364; See also Lisaura

127; Tannoy Ltd is an English manufacturer of loudspeakers and public-address (PA) systems. It became a household name as a result of supplying PA systems to the armed forces during World War II, and to Butlins and Pontins holiday camps after the war.

See Mucker-Maffick, Oliver "Tantivy"

Judgment, 152; "shuffling the ancient decks oily and worn, throwing down swords and cups and trumps major" 413; The Fool, 501, 724, 742; "Der Grob Säugling, 23rd card of the Zone's trumps major" 707; "choose the world" 718; "The scene itself must be read as a card: what is to come" 724; Queen of Cups, 735; A.E. Waite, 738; 746-49; Weissmann's Tarot; Slothrop's Tarot; The Entire Rider-Waite Deck

366; German: "bartering" or "exchange" "center"; in Berlin; "all her husband's clothes have been traded for food at the" 572;

Tavistock Institute
276; The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations is an interdisciplinary organization in London which concentrates on human relations in the family, the work group, and organizations. British psychiatrist R.D. Laing (1927-89) conducted research there from 1960-89.

Tchitcherine, Vaslav

290; Soviet intelligence officer; half-brother of Enzian; "mad scavenger" who officially reports to the TsAGE (Central Aero & Hydrodynamics Institute in Moscow) (1935-36); has need to annihilate the Schwarzkommando and "his mythical half-brother Enzian"; described, 337, 383; comes from Nihilist stock, 338; stationed in Central Asia in "early Stalin days" 338; "a raving snowman over the winter marshes" "a giant supermolecule. . .so many open bonds available" 345; story of his father, 350-52; 499; Kirghiz Light, 508, 510; "fear would always keep him from going all the way in" 566; illumination of, 611; 700; initiation into "bodyhood of steel" 702; "her graying steel barbarian" 718; "the Red Doper" 719; meets Enzian, 734; stays with Geli, 735; See also Kirghiz Light

54; temporary duty

Technische Hochschule (T.H.)
Mondaugen: "[Pökler's] old friend from the T.H. Munich" 160; "Glimpf, Professor of Mathematics of the Technische Hochschule, Darmstadt, Scientific advisor to the Allied Military Government" 309; "Zwitter is from the T.H. Munich" 313; Jamf lecturing Pökler's class, 577; "the greyness of certain crowds in the beerhalls back at the T.H." 579; 580;

See also Technische Hochscule; They

Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre (d. 1955)
539; Jesuit paleontologist and mystical philosopher

Telangiecstasis, Spyros ("Spider")
389; Radarman 2nd Class on Badass

Tenniel's Alice
247; Sir John Tenniel (1820-1914) was a cartoonist and artist who created almost 2000 cartoons for the humor magazine, Punch, but who is probably most famous for the illustrations he did for Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1864); [MORE]

Tennyson, Alfred (1809-1892)
Better known as "Alfred, Lord Tennyson"; was Poet Laureate of the United Kingdom during much of Queen Victoria's reign and remains one of the most popular poets in the English language; "Tennysonian comfort of saying 'someone' has blundered", 270.14

TerBorch, Gerard (1617-81)
Dutch Baroque painter whose genre pieces and portraits depict with grace and fidelity the atmosphere of middle-class life in 17th-century Holland. His works consist almost equally of portraits and genre pieces, with his usually delicate technique best reflected in the portraits which are painted on an almost miniature scale; "[Blicero] flings a boot-tree at a precious TerBorch" 104

Ter Meer, Dr. Fritz
631; according to Sasuly, "Ter Meer was one of the half-dozen most important men in the IG: he was considered an outstanding scientiest; [...] he was a member of the IG managing board of directors. [...] [When asked after the war] if he felt that experiments on human beings were justifiable [,] he argued that ... no harm had been done to these KZ [concentration camp] inmates as they would have been killed anyway." (p.125-26)

558; "Officially [Chiclitz] is one of the American industrialists out here with the T Force, scouting German engineering, secret weaponry in particular"

see Technische Hochschule above

Thanatz Alpdrucken, Reichssieger von
142; "champion Weimaraner for 1941" in Pointsman's dreams of chase

Thanatz, Karel Miklos
461; ["Thanatos" is Greek for "death]; husband of Greta Erdmann; aka Karel [a fairly common Czech name], 461; with Blicero, 464; reading whip scars, 484, 641; "he may have seen the actual firing" 562; with Pole who wants lightening to hit him, 663; 663-73; at homosexual community ("175-Stadt"), 666-67; at Sachsa's seances, 668; kidnapped by anti-Lublinites, 669; sex with Bianca, 670; taken by Schwarzkommando, 671; "he lost Gottfried" 671; "the angel [the Erdschweinhöhlers] have hoped for" 672; 736; "is [Sado-anarchism's] leading theoretician in the Zone these days" 737

Thayer's Slippery Elm Throat Lozenges
18; sent to Slothrop in London by Nalline S.; 116; [Thayers.com]

"it's all theatre" 3; "theatrically bitter" 133; "magnificent stone theatre" 148; "theatre nothing but Walter really look at head phony angle" 152; "just down the street from the theatre" 174; "you're in the wrong theatre of operations" 201; "every occupation town in the Theatre" 247; "only elaborate theatre to fool you" 267; "tears which are not all theatre" 302; "Perhaps it's theater" 326; "elaborate piece of theatre" 352; street-theatre, 399; "Mediterranean theatre" 438; "under a theatre marquee whose sentient bulbs may have looked on" 464; "this War. . .was all theatre" 521; "the elaborate theatrical foofooraw of Mob 'n' Masons" 586; "all become theatre" 722; "not without theatre" 743; "above the roof of this old theatre" 760; See also actors/directors; film/cinema references; King Kong; movies; Ufa-theatre

Theil, Dr. Walter
423; chemical engineer killed in British air-raid on Peenemünde in August 1943; 427


247; [Greek: "god loving"]; friend of Italo's who is trying to smuggle a Sherman tank into Palestine

"Thermidor" corresponded to July in the French republican calendar adopted in 1793 during the French Revolution, which dating system was intended to replace the Gregorian calendar with a more rational system devoid of Christian associations. The Gregorian calendar was reestablished by the Napoleonic regime on January 1, 1806; Mexico recalling "the sweaty evenings of" 713

Thesean brushings
According to Greek myth, Theseus, the son of King Aegeus of Athens, went to Crete and slew the half-human, half-bull Minotaur, kept by King Minos (son of Zeus and Europa) in his Labyrinth (built by Daedalus). The Athenians had been sending seven youths and seven maidens to Crete each year to be set loose in the Labyrinth and eaten by the Minotaur. This yearly reparation was Minos' revenge for the jealous Athenians having killed Minos' son because of his victory over Athens in athletic games. King Aegeus sent his son Theseus as one of the seven youths in the next year's sacrifice. However, King Minos' daughter Ariadne had fallen in love with Theseus and so provided him with an indestructible clew to unwind as he entered the Labyrinth. He handily slew the Minotaur and was able to exit the Labyrinth; "[Pointsman's] lonely Thesean brushings down his polished corridors of years" 141; See also labyrinth; Weaving the Web


Jessica notes a coal-black Packard up a side street, filled with dark-suited civilians. Their white collars rigid in the shadows.
"Who're they?"
[Mexico] shrugs: "they" is good enough. "Not a friendly lot." (40)

"'They' embracing possibilities far far beyond Nazi Germany" 25; "They" conversation (Major-General), 33; "(They?)" 72; "he's begun to suspect, darkly, any number of Someones Over Here" 108; "an act of suicide [...] which in its pathology, in its dreamless version of the real, the Empire commits by the thousands every day, completely unaware of what it's doing" 129; "The true king only dies a mock death. [...] Any number of young men may be selected to die in his place while the real king, foxy old bastard, goes on." 131; "death-by-government" 176; 177; 195; "two orders of being" 202; "a clutch mechanism between [Slothrop] and Their iron-cased engine" 207; "Mothers work for Them!" 219; "if there is a life force operating in Nature, still there is nothing so analogous in a bureaucracy. . .It all comes down. . .to the desires of individual men" 228; "All the animals, the plants, the minerals, even other kinds of men, are being broken and reassembled every day, to preserve an elite few, who are the loudest to theorize on freedom, but the least free of all." 230; 285; "They extinguish. . .not remind" 438; no physical locale, 251; "They would not be who or where They are without a touch of Dante to Their notions of reprisal." 350; "They sure must have the budget, all right. Look at this desolation, all built then hammered back into pieces" 374; "a system whose only aim is to violate the Cycle. Taking and not giving back, [...] removing from the rest of the World these vast quantities of energy to keep its own tiny desperate fraction showing a profit: [...] most of the World, animal, vegetable and mineral, is laid waste in the process" 412; "innocence and its many uses" 419; keeping Earth "for the numb and joyless hardons of. . .human elite" 521; "It is possible that They will not die. That it is now within the state of Their art to go on forever" 539; "They need our terror for Their survival" 539; "There's something still on, don't call it a 'war' if it makes you nervous, maybe the deasth rate's gone down a point or two [...] but Their enterprise goes on" 628; "necktie or cock" 637; "Creative paranoia means developing at least as thorough a We-system as a They-system" 638; "They will come and shut off the water first" 694; 697; "Their mission in this world is Bad Shit" 712; "Which is worse: living on as Their pet, or death? 713; "It is our mission to promote death. . .holding down the green uprising." 720; "submission and dominance are resources it needs for its very survival" 737; See also entropy/closed systems; paranoia; Technology

Things That Can Happen in European Politics
77; Pudding's project which falls victim to Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle and/or Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem; 275

Third Term
270; Franklin D. Roosevelt's third term, 1940-44

Thomas, Lowell (1892-1981)
266; An American writer, broadcaster, and traveller best known as the man who made Lawrence of Arabia famous. So varied were Thomas's activities that when it came time for the Library of Congress to catalog his memoirs they were forced to put them in "CT" ("biographies of subjects who do not fit into any other category") in their classification.

Throsp, Corydon
5; erected maisonette where Pirate and Bloat live; cultivated pharmaceutical plants on the roof; medieval fantasies, 10

Throwster, Aaron
82; colleague of Pointsman's; "ARF's resident neurosurgeon" 113; 146; 227

640; central German state in which Nordhausen is located; Thuringian, 240; sands, 306 [MAP]

Thyssen, Fritz (1873-1951)
Leading German industrialist was a member of one of the world's wealthiest families and a major financial backer of Adolf Hitler's rise to power. After inheriting his father's fortune and industrial empire, he shrewdly combined the family holdings into a trust (Vereinigte Stahlwerke AG [United Steelworks Co.]) which controlled more than 75 percent of Germany's ore reserve and employed 200,000 workers. Like many German industrial leaders, he worried about the rise of socialism and was an early backer of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party. He worked hard to get Hitler elected and was then rewarded by being appointed to the German Economic Council. Because he really only supported the anti-socialist positions of the Nazis, he broke with Hitler and fled to Switzerland when Hitler led Germany into war and began persecuting Jews and Catholics (Thyssen was a Catholic); conspiring with Stinnes and Krupp to ruin the mark, after WWI, 285

20; Technical Intelligence wing of English army

367; German: "zoo (lit. animal garden); this is the central park in Berlin

419; German: "zoological gardens"; at Zwölfkinder

"He'd seen himself a point on a moving wavefront, propagating through sterile history--a known past, a projectable future" 126; "to keep Grid Time synchronized with Greenwich Mean Time" 133; "spirits from other parts of the veld--for time and space on their side have no meaning, all is together" 153; penetrating the moment, 158; "slices of time growing thinner" 159; "There is the moment, and its possibilities" 159; all at once,165; secular, 169; "the clock ratcheting time minutewise into their past" 193; war reconfiguring, 257; "isolate inside the way time is passing" 303; "the true momentum of his time" 312; "time- modulation peculiar to Oneirine" 389; future/past, 400; "the space and time were Blicero's own" 486; "no serial time over there; events all there in the same eternal moment" 624; "the oneway flow of European time" 724; "herding us through time" 724; "a presence, analogous to the Aether, flows through time" 726; "his time's assembly" 738; "time is a funny thing" 752; See also delta-t; history; TOO LATE;

Time magazine
463; American weekly "news" magazine

446; "Across the façade of the" in Berlin

Titanic, the
British luxury passenger liner that struck an iceberg and sank on April 14-15, 1912, en route to New York City from Southampton, England, during its maiden voyage. at a point about 400 miles (640 km) south of Newfoundland. Of the 2200 aboard, about 1,515 perished; "And come aboard the Titanic, things'll really be manic/Folks'll panic the second that sunken iceberg is knocked" 462-63

121; club in London

Togo, Admiral Heihachiro (1848-1934)
Led the Japanese fleet to victory in the Russo-Japanese War in 1863. In a desperate move, the Russians dispatched their Baltic fleet to Japan, meeting Togo's forces on May 27 in the Tsushima Strait, which connects the Sea of Japan with the East China Sea. Togo "crossed the enemy's T"--i.e., he turned his column across the Russian line of advance--and destroyed 33 out of the 35 Russian ships, ending the war; "hand[ed] Rozhdestvenski's ass to him" in the waters between Japan and Korea, 350

448; aka Rücksichtslos (German: "inconsiderate" or "ruthless"); Swinemünde to Helgoland, 450; "a wind tunnel's all it is. If tensor analysis is good enough for turbulence, it ought to be good enough for history" 451;

joke of flaming toilet paper taken from the book "Flushed With Pride": One must be frank and admit that not all of Crapper’s developments met with immediate success. What was called the Trough Closet was, it would have appeared, a dandy idea for an inexpensive yet efficient flushing system for rows of toilets ‘in Schools, Workhouses, Factories, etc.’ A huge cistern flushed the water down through all the toilets (‘Quotations given for any number of Persons’) and then into a trough underneath which, like a little underground stream, carried all away. But Crapper had not reckoned with the devilment of the boys in the workhouses, who had very little fun anyway.

Boys used to crumple up a big bit of paper, set light to it and drop it down the toilet upstream, to have the occupants leaping into the air with howls of anguish as it floated along to the outlet. This made it necessary for Crapper to bring out his Improved Trough Closet Range in 1902 in which each toilet had a water seal underneath and thus ‘all the objections hitherto raised to Trough Closets are removed’.

from Flushed With Pride, The Story of Thomas Crapper by Wallace Reyburn, published in the UK in 1969 and in the US in 1971.

1935; Scales from the company Toledo Scale, founded in Columbus, OH in 1901; now known as Mettler Toledo

Tootsie Roll
493: "see the sugar bowl do the Tootsie Roll with the big, bad, Devil's food cake"; [http:/www.tootsie.com/]

Tosks and Ghegs
Two distinct Albanian social groups/cultures each with its own dialect and separated geographically by the Shkumbin River with the Ghegs (or Gegs) in the north and the Tosks in the south. The Ghegs were renowned for their independent spirit and fighting abilities, while the Tosks were more of a semifeudal society and more subject to foregin influences due to their southern territories being more accessible to the ouside world. The communist movement drew most of its support from the Tosks, taking over in 1944. Since then, the differences between the two have greatly lessened; 549

Tracy, Alfonso
582-83; owned the defective pinball machines; Great Pinball Difficulty, 581

Tracy, Mable
582; wife of Alfonso

Tracy, Spencer (1900-1967)
266; An American theatrical and film actor, who appeared in 74 films from 1930 to 1967. The American Film Institute ranked Tracy 9th among the Greatest Male Stars of All Time. He was nominated for nine Academy Awards for Best Actor in all, winning two. The reference in GR is to his role as the African explorer Henry Stanley in the 1939 film Stanley and Livingston.

Transmarginal Phases

48,49,50,78,79; Ongoing sequential responses to overwhelming stimulus (1) equivalent phase - all stimuli have same expected response; (2) paradoxical phase - weak stimulus=strong response - vice versa; (3) ultraparadoxical phase - stimuli produce opposite response (ie if previously attracted to the stimuli, now reject it) and vice versa - confuse ideas of opposite

Treacle, Edwin
85; 92; "most Freudian of psychic researchers" in Psi Section of White Visitation; 146; recent dreams of flight, 146; 153; "setting up a practice" 273; "I'll show you a giant ape" 276

Tree of Life
"It is not only a sudden white genital onset in the sky--it is also, perhaps, a Tree...." 694; Kabbalist, 747; "Now the Sephiroth fall into a pattern, which is called the" 753; "the Tree itself is a unity, rooted exactly at the Bodenplatte" 753;

Trefoil, Gavin
33; can change the melanin content of his skin to change his color; 124; 147; 215; 276

31; a final honors exam at Cambridge university, originally in mathematics

Tripping, Geli (pronounced: "Gaily")

290; lover of Tchitcherine; lives in Nordhausen; lover of Slothrop; "pretty young witch straddling an A4" 293; 494; thinks she's a witch, 500; witch ritual, 717; "the World-choosing sort" 718; with Tchitcherine, 733-35; "the young witch" 734

Trotha, Gen. Lothar von
362; German who led wholesale slaughter of Hereros in Südwest in 1904; exhibit at Zwölfkinder, 422; 563

Trotskyite block, 189; Trotsky a former patron at the Odeon, 262; 338; "some beasrded old unreconstructed geezer of a Trotskyite" 399;

365; Säure's sidekick; her boyfriend is Gustav, 366; 684-85; Bodine spending more time with, 741

Truman, Harry S. (1884-1972)
Succeeding Roosevelt upon his death, Truman was the 33rd president of the United States (1945-53). He moved the U.S. into international confrontation with Soviet and Chinese communism and worked to preserve the New Deal reforms; "'Emil, who's that guy in the glasses?'" 373; "the dapper, bespectacled stranger [...] the face that has silently dissolved in to replace the one Slothrop never saw and now never will" 381; 382; "famous Missouri Mason" 588

273; Tsentral'niy Aerogidrondinamicheskiy Institute; "Officially [Tchitcherine] reports to TsAGI, which is the Central Aero and Hydrodynamics Institute in Moscow" 337; 391; 706;

647; light bulb manufacturer "in Budapest" that was supposed to have created Byron T.B.

Twelfth House

274; new PISCES branch office on Gallaho Mews in London; so named by Webley Silvernail because Pisces is the 12th House in the Zodiac; Pointsman transferred there, 533

Typhoid Mary
739; one who spreads a disease

typographical errors
"pharnyx" should be "pharynx" 14; "at here at" should be "as here at" 32; "Strobe's" should be "Jamf's" (appears in early Viking editions), 86; "Nichols" should be "Nicholls" 94; "but God's sake" should be "but for God's sake", 120; "heart-transfer" should be "heat-transfer" 223 perhaps not a typo; parenthesis at "(after you get..." doesn't close, 411; "Isle" should be "Ilse" 414; "airpseed" should be "airspeed" 454; "ecclesiatical" should be "ecclesiastical" 468; "elctro- decor" should be "electro-decor" 518; "Leunahalluziationen" should be "Leunahalluzinationen" 523; "is is" should be "it is" 715; "then" should be "than" 732; "Zundung" should be "Zündung" 758

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